Cub Hater Story by a Milwaukee Brewer Fan

First off, I do want to you about myself. I am from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I am a Brewer fan. I go to different baseball ballparks for my vacation. There are only four ballparks I have not been to. Those ballparks are San Francisco, Washington and both New York...

Jeff Samardzija Should Change His Name to Jeff Sasuckzidja

The following is from the Cubs Suck Club LONE Chicago Cubs fan… BuckeyeLakerCub will be blogging here regularly and giving his outlook on the Cubs suckiness from a diehard Cubs fan perspective.  Comments are encouraged. I hate Jeff Samardzija. That’s right. I...

Jim Hendry is a Stupid Moron

The following post is the first of many from the Cubs Suck Club LONE Chicago Cubs fan… BuckeyeCub will be blogging here regularly and giving his outlook on the Cubs suckiness from a diehard Cubs fan perspective.  Comments are encouraged. Jim Hendry is a stupid...

Hitler Hates the Cubs

This video of Hitler hating on the Chicago Cubs made me laugh out loud.  You Cub haters are going to love this if you haven’t seen it already.  Props to Mitch for sending it via Facebook.  Send on any good material – it’s almost 2010 losing time...

New baby named, Waitle Nex Yeare

This is one of the funniest and cruelest things I’ve seen in a while.  Suki and Justa Crapi Yeare, Cub fans from the North Side just had a new baby daughter.  What did they name her? Waitle Nex Yeare Classic Cub fans… Poor girl though.  Not only is she...