Cub fans getting cockier by the day

July 30, 2008



It wasn’t very long ago that I was talking about how this year has been different for Cub fans. Nobody seemed to be talking trash. Cub fans weren’t hooting and hollering after every win saying they were the best team ever. Well, SCRATCH THAT.

All of a sudden, the true Scrub faithful have come out of the woodwork and are giving us what we expect. Everywhere I look I see, “Cubs are the greatest…” blah blah. Every single Facebook status from a Cub fan says something cocky and arrogant. Check these out as we speak just from a number of my buddies:

  • Dreaming SWEEP dreams tonite…GO CUBS GO!!
  • is watching the Cubs whoop the Brewers.
  • is watching the CUBS KICK ASS!
  • is watching the Cubs take care of business!! Something the Cardinals couldnt do!!

That’s just a handful. But come on. Every Cub fan I run into right now is hollering in my face like, “YEAH YEAH SWEEEEP, Brewers Suck… Cardinals Suck… Cubs Rule.”

On one hand it’s annoying, yeah. But on the other hand it’s what we all expect from the Cub fans. This is more like normal. Now I’m not real worried because we KNOW something bad is about to happen. A collapse? A choke? All of the above! Keep on talking Cubby fans and we’ll hear you cryin again in October.

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